著者:Michael Peppiatt
出版社:Thames & Hudson
サイズ: 19.8 x 12.9 cm
改訂版「Francis Bacon: Studies for a Portrait 」はフランシス・ベーコンのとらえどころがなく、謎に満ちたクリエイティブなその才能を解き明かす。 半世紀を超える期間のエッセイやインタビューを収録、3回のインタビューに加えて、晩年の展覧会、回想録、考察のエッセイもあり、一部は本書で初めて公開された。
This revised and updated edition of Francis Bacon: Studies for a Portrait reveals Francis Bacon’s elusive and enigmatic creative genius. The essays and interviews brought together here span more than half a century. In addition to three interviews, there are also essays for exhibitions, memoirs and reflections on Bacon’s late work, some published here for the first time. Included are recorded conversations with Bacon in Paris, and an overall account of the artist’s sources, techniques and extraordinary London studio.
Michael Peppiatt is a well-known author and internationally respected authority on 20th-century art. He has written numerous publications on Bacon, including the biography Francis Bacon: Anatomy of an Enigma, 2009.
出版社:Thames & Hudson
サイズ: 19.8 x 12.9 cm
改訂版「Francis Bacon: Studies for a Portrait 」はフランシス・ベーコンのとらえどころがなく、謎に満ちたクリエイティブなその才能を解き明かす。 半世紀を超える期間のエッセイやインタビューを収録、3回のインタビューに加えて、晩年の展覧会、回想録、考察のエッセイもあり、一部は本書で初めて公開された。
This revised and updated edition of Francis Bacon: Studies for a Portrait reveals Francis Bacon’s elusive and enigmatic creative genius. The essays and interviews brought together here span more than half a century. In addition to three interviews, there are also essays for exhibitions, memoirs and reflections on Bacon’s late work, some published here for the first time. Included are recorded conversations with Bacon in Paris, and an overall account of the artist’s sources, techniques and extraordinary London studio.
Michael Peppiatt is a well-known author and internationally respected authority on 20th-century art. He has written numerous publications on Bacon, including the biography Francis Bacon: Anatomy of an Enigma, 2009.