著者:Cale Waddacor
出版社:Thames & Hudson
サイズ: 23.5 x 22.0 cm
10年以上をかけアフリカにおけるストリートアートの発展を追った。豊かな映像表現で200人を超えるアーティストを紹介する。 今日アフリカで活躍するストリートアーティストへの詳細なインタビュー12本を収録。現地のメジャーなストリートアートプロジェクト、コレクティブ、フェスティバルの取材を行い、ケニヤ、モロッコ、セネガル、南アフリカ、チュニジアの最重要アーティストにフォーカスをあてながら、読者をアフリカのストリートアートシーンを紹介するツアーへと連れて行く。
This revised and This visually rich survey – the first of its kind – showcases the work of over 200 artists and celebrates the explosion of street art in Africa over the last decade. Including twelve in-depth interviews with street artists active in Africa today as well as coverage of the continent’s major street art projects, collectives and festivals, it takes the reader on an introductory tour of the many African street art scenes, with a deeper focus on the most prominent players in Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, South Africa and Tunisia.
Cale Waddacor is a South African artist, musician, photographer and documentarian. Skateboarding through his home city, Johannesburg, he developed a passion for urban art and graffiti. He began photographing street artworks to document the country’s rising street art scene and launched the website Graffiti South Africa in 2011, which was made into a book of the same name in 2014.
出版社:Thames & Hudson
サイズ: 23.5 x 22.0 cm
10年以上をかけアフリカにおけるストリートアートの発展を追った。豊かな映像表現で200人を超えるアーティストを紹介する。 今日アフリカで活躍するストリートアーティストへの詳細なインタビュー12本を収録。現地のメジャーなストリートアートプロジェクト、コレクティブ、フェスティバルの取材を行い、ケニヤ、モロッコ、セネガル、南アフリカ、チュニジアの最重要アーティストにフォーカスをあてながら、読者をアフリカのストリートアートシーンを紹介するツアーへと連れて行く。
This revised and This visually rich survey – the first of its kind – showcases the work of over 200 artists and celebrates the explosion of street art in Africa over the last decade. Including twelve in-depth interviews with street artists active in Africa today as well as coverage of the continent’s major street art projects, collectives and festivals, it takes the reader on an introductory tour of the many African street art scenes, with a deeper focus on the most prominent players in Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, South Africa and Tunisia.
Cale Waddacor is a South African artist, musician, photographer and documentarian. Skateboarding through his home city, Johannesburg, he developed a passion for urban art and graffiti. He began photographing street artworks to document the country’s rising street art scene and launched the website Graffiti South Africa in 2011, which was made into a book of the same name in 2014.