Artist: Yuichi Yokoyama
Title: “Rinkado × Yuichi Yokoyama / Dododo Dospo”
Printing: Spot (foil stamping on mirror film), Dododo (on-demand printing on mirror film)
Two-disc set of Dodo Dodo & Spo!
Collaboration stickers with neo-manga artist Yuichi Yokoyama have been realized!
Contains 2 pieces!
Rinpendo is the publisher of the sticker.
We sell pictures drawn by various people as print stickers.
The Rinkado seal is an updated version of Ukiyo-e from the Edo period.
Printing is mainly done by craftsmen using an art print technique called "Serigraphy", one color at a time.
Although it is many times more time-consuming and costly than inkjet printing, it is a printmaking technique that produces warm colors and very good color reproduction.
The Rinkado sticker definitely has a ``goodness'' that cannot be conveyed on an LCD screen.
Yuichi Yokoyama
Graduated from Musashino Art University oil painting department. He used to make fine art, but since 2000 he prefers comics as his medium of expression because he can "paint time". Yokoyama's manga, characterized by dashing lines and onomatopoeia, the uninterrupted flow of time and unique characters, is called "neo-manga", and is "New Doboku", "Travel", "NIWA", " Baby Boom”, “World Map Room” and many other books have been translated and published in countries such as Japan, France, the United States, Italy, Spain, and Russia, and have gained popularity. In addition, high-quality works such as "BABY BOOM FINAL", which reproduces Yokoyama's vividly colored original paintings with plenty of high-concentration fluorescent colors, have also been published.