Title: "Paperback with self-made cover (large illustration)"
Author: Yuichi Yokoyama
Language: Japanese
Size: 10.5 x 14.8 cm
This is a used paperback book with a cover that Yokoyama made by himself.
The illustration is large!
Yuichi Yokoyama
Graduated from Musashino Art University's Department of Oil Painting. He worked in fine art, but since 2000 has chosen manga as a medium of expression, which allows him to "portray time." Yokoyama's manga, characterized by fast-paced lines and onomatopoeia, an uninterrupted depiction of the flow of time, and unique characters, are known as "neo manga," and many of his works, including "New Engineering," "Travel," "NIWA," "Baby Boom," and "The Room of the World Map," have been translated and published in Japan, France, the United States, Italy, Spain, Russia, and other countries, and have become popular. Other high-quality collections of his work have also been published, such as "BABY BOOM FINAL," which uses an abundance of highly concentrated fluorescent colors to recreate Yokoyama's vivid original drawings.